I’m a creative director with two decades of experience in the live action and motion design world. I specialize in concepting, directing and leading and managing creative teams.


My Story

I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, outside of Cleveland. Like most people that grew up there in the 80s, I have fostered an intimate relationship with Cleveland sports and heartbreak. But most good art is born out of despair, so it’s served me well.

I am now, happily, a relatively well-adjusted creative, working in the world of video and animation. I love to concept, pitch and execute projects that are design-forward and authentic, and that rely on a foundation of smart strategy so the work not only looks and sounds great, but moves the needle as well.

“It has been one of the highlights of my career to work with someone who makes it all so easy, and so very beautiful.”

— Cherie Meyers, Creative director - vitamix


I love to collaborate with my clients to craft their stories in ways that feel genuine and on-brand while attempting to stand out in a world of increasingly ephemeral content. I enjoy diving deep into their worlds and feel that the more I get to know their unique challenges, the more effective the work can be.

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“Through cutting-edge work, delivered under tight timeliness, and strict budgets, Mike and his team became my “go-to” crew.”

— Kurt isensee, Sr. Copywriter and video producer - hasbro/WoC

Skill Set

I began my career as a sound designer, moved into editing and then directing. As a result of this foundation, I have an understanding and appreciation for each step in the creative workflow, be it live action or animation. I don’t believe in micromanaging artists. Instead, I believe in guiding them through the process by providing them with relevant and experienced direction allowing them to bring their own unique talents to the table. Collaboration is the foundation of my process.

Ultimately, I really enjoy working with clients to conceptualize original content and then build and direct teams to execute that creative at the highest levels.


Concept, Pitch, Directing


Strategy, Writing, Managing


Research, Networking, Advising


Creating great work is primarily about working with and motivating talented people. I love working with artists to create something amazing that none of us would have been able to make on our own. Making content at this level is the ultimate team sport, and a director is only as good as the people around him or her. I thrive on collaboration and process-driven workflows that also allow for new ideas and pivots along the way.

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On set with the Vitamix team!

On set with the Vitamix team!

As Björk once said, “There’s more to life than this…”

I’m also insatiably curious about the world around me. I serve on the board at Columbus’ incredible North Market where I donate time and energy to an extraordinary food community that I deeply love. I’m passionate about travel, books, and American History. In fact, I am engaged in a years-long study of our republic over at my American History Project website.